The OVA requires mandatory Police checks for all individuals in leadership roles who work directly with athletes. This includes all Staff, Directors, Chairs, Coaches, Managers, Referees, Chaperones and persons who manage finances.
Screening of personnel and volunteers is an important part of providing a safe sporting environment and has become a common practice among sport organizations that provide programs and services to the community. The OVA is responsible at law, to do everything reasonable to provide a safe and secure environment for participants in its programs, activities and events. The OVA takes this responsibility very seriously and is committed to fulfilling the duty of care it owes to its members.
At minimum, individuals in leadership roles must complete the following:
a) An Enhanced Police Information Check (E-PIC) every three years. This check can be completed online through
If you are having trouble applying for a myBackCheck, please contact their support directly:
myBackCheck Support or 1-877-455-6730
Screening Disclosure Form *NEW PROCESS*
All applicable membership roles will be required to complete the OVA Screening Disclosure Form in MRS as part of the membership registration process. Clubs are no longer required to review/collect OVA Screening Disclosure Forms for club staff.
Operations Lead
Phone: 416-426-7233
Yes! Teachers are only required to get one police check done at the start of their teaching careers; they then sign offence declarations every year thereafter. Under the OVA Screening policy a police check must include local police information and is only valid for 3 years. Any teacher who has taught for more than three years must get a new police check completed in order to coach/officiate with us.
We also require new police checks be completed for police officers, military personnel and government employees who have not had a check done within 3 years.
If your check was completed within the past 3 years we will accept a copy at the OVA office to review. If it meets our requirements, no new check will need to be completed until 3 years from the date the last check was done.
Officials & Volunteers – If an enhanced police check was completed and shared with the OVA through, then the OVA will have access to review the results online. Otherwise, all Officials, Provincial Team and High Performance Centre Coaches and Volunteer Board & Committee Members must submit a copy of their original police check and/or Vulnerable Sector screening to the OVA office, c/o Kelvin Cheng at or via fax to 416-426-7109.
Club Coaches - Please submit a copy of your original PRC/VSS or Enhanced Police Record Check to your designated Club Contact person who will then forward a list of all coaches who have completed their screening to the OVA office.
If there is a positive result, the OVA Club Contact is to blank out the person's name and forward the PRC/VSS to the OVA Executive Director. At this time, the Executive Director will forward the positive PRC/VSS to the Screening Committee for review. The Screening Committee will make a decision based on the offence and OVA Screening policy to see if the Coach is allowed to volunteer within the OVA. This decision will be then returned to the Executive Director and Club Contact.
If you have any further questions regarding police screening/checks, please contact