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Upcoming Clinics

The OVA runs the majority of its referee clinics from September to December annually and we currently have a very lengthy waitlist of people wanting to become certified.

If you are interested in becoming a referee, please provide your contact details at the following link and the OVA will email you with the information for any clinics in your region.  

Rules R Championship

The OVA Rules R Championship is a province-wide competition where OVA referees compete as part of their region by completing as many Rules R quizzes as they can.  All officials are automatically entered into the competition and to participate, all you have to do is complete the Rules R “Volleyball Quick Learn” quizzes in your account! 

Learn More


So you are now a certified OVA Referee, but how do you get assigned to officiate matches?

Learn how to get assigned to OVA competitions, as well as University and College matches.

Get Assigned