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Become a Member

There are many different ways to get involved with the OVA - most notably as a player, coach or official. Click the links to the right to discover more about these membership roles, and also to discover the exclusive benefits and opportunities associated with OVA membership.

Membership Fees

For a complete list of membership roles and OVA membership fees, click here.

Please Note: Athletes are required to register as a tryout player (free membership) in order to tryout  with their Clubs.  Athletes (6v6 to 18U) will subsequently be required to upgrade to a full competitive player membership ($97.15) prior to competing in any OVA delivered event. The 4v4 athletes will be required to upgrade to a Recreational Player membership ($12.91). 


All OVA membership, tournament, and event registrations are completed online through the Member Registration System (MRS)*

Important Notes:

  • Individuals registering as an Indoor Athlete must have been selected for a team by an affiliated club.
  • Indoor Athletes upgrading their membership to Beach Athlete do not have to pay the OVA and Volleyball Canada membership fees again - it is a FREE upgrade in MRS.
  • All referees and coaches must also meet the requirements of their respective eligibility policies found below. 

If you have any questions regarding membership, please contact:

Mylene Andrade

Member Services Coordinator

Phone: 416-426-7132