Due to the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic across Ontario, it is with great disappointment that the Ontario Volleyball Association (OVA) is announcing the cancellation of the first wave of the modified indoor competition season and the postponement of the Ontario Championships (OC’s) for 2021. These decisions were made with the health and safety of members, staff, and partners in mind.
“The announcement today is a difficult pill to swallow. The uncertainty is wearing on all of us,” commented a disappointed Alishia Lidums, Director of Volleyball Operations. “The OVA staff are heart-broken for the athletes, parents, coaches, referees and our community partners that will not be able to experience a full regular season and the festival style Ontario Championships for another year due to the pandemic.“
The Championships were to be hosted jointly at RIM Park in Waterloo and the Paramount Fine Food Centre in Mississauga for the first time in the history of the event. With the April 2021 events postponed, the OVA staff will continue to work on solidifying an alternative date for a modified event format. Planning will remain fluid and in lockstep with the Province of Ontario’s COVID-19 Re-Opening framework and Public Health guidelines. When it is feasible to do so, we will work with our incredibly supportive partners at the City of Waterloo, Waterloo Regional Tourism Marketing Corporation (WRTMC), the City of Mississauga and Hudson Travel Group to give OVA members the most enjoyable volleyball competition we can offer within the confines of Government and Public Health regulations.
The first wave of modified competitive league structured was originally slated to begin at the end of February. However, the Government of Ontario’s recent declaration of a second state of emergency on top of the current lockdown measures leaves much up in the air when discussing the plausibility of the league’s operations in the near future. As we move further into 2021, we will continue to monitor the most recent developments surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and will operate a modified league structure as soon as it is safe to do so. To keep up to date with the modified indoor season and revised timelines, please visit:
“While 2021 has not been the start we hoped for, we remain optimistic. Our members and partners continue to be innovative,” said Jo-Anne Ljubicic, executive director. “Our staff, our members, and our community will continue to work hard to make playing opportunities available when it is safe. We are in this together and shall remain strong.”
With volleyball competitions put on hold for the time being, please keep engaged with the sport you know and love. Continue with your team’s virtual workouts. Connect and check-in with your teammates or coaches – ask them how they are doing, remain active, focus on your personal development. Work on steps towards higher certifications. It might not be this day, or the next, that we step back on the court, but we will be ready for you when that day arrives. Hopefully, that day will be soon.