The OVA is currently accepting nominations for the Regional Referees Chair (RRC) for Region 2, Region 4 and Region 6.
The current RRCs are:
Region 2 – Brian Rancourt
Region 4 – Lynn Watkins
Region 6 – Irena Zamboni
The deadline to submit nominations is May 31, 2024 and must be submitted to Kelvin Cheng, Manager of Operations.
Should an election be required, those will take place before June 15, 2024. Please see the election information and job description below for the RRC positions.
The Regional Referees’ Chair is responsible for the organization and development of officiating programs as well as the management and distribution of officiating assignments to assignors for volleyball within their Region. The Regional Referees’ Chair works with the Secretary-Treasurer of the region (or designate) to ensure that accurate records of assignments are kept, and that appropriate distribution of funds (fees for officiating) are handled as per OVA and regional policies and procedures. The Regional Referees Chair serves as a member of the Provincial Referee Committee. The RRC must reside in the region they represent.
Elections for the RRC the position is for a 3-year term starting September 1st . Nominations for the RRC must be received by May 31st of the election year – members can self-nominate. The election is to take place by June 15th, so that the Board of Directors may ratify the selection of the new RRC at the June Board of Directors meeting. The new RRC will take office as of July 1st and will attend the RRC fall meeting. All referees rated Level 2 or higher within the region are eligible to vote for the new RRC.
The OVA staff will call for nominations for the position of RRC and will verify that all candidates are OVA members, Level 3 or higher and that they accept their nomination. The job description will be posted on the OVA website. A soft copy of the call for nominations and the job description will be emailed out to all referees. The Provincial Referees’ Committee can recruit suitable candidates, should none be nominated.
Referees rated Level 2 or higher within the region are eligible to vote; this includes referees who have successfully passed the PUP in the current year. In the event of a tie, the incumbent nominee shall be declared RRC. If the election does not include an incumbent nominee and results in a tie, a re-vote will be held.
The Regional Referees Chair will appoint up to three (3) people to help them run the Region. The three positions will mirror the Provincial Referees Committee, i.e., Quality Assurance, Operations, Programs. This committee will be responsible for: