With the kick-off of Events 6 and 7 at EY Centre in Ottawa quickly approaching, we would like to pass along some information that will help speed up two of the more time-consuming aspects of your visit.
Pre-Order Food
Save time by avoiding line ups! Order team food ahead of time!
EY Food services is offering a full menu of food options for bulk pre order that can be ready for pick-up in morning (7-8am), lunch (12-1pm) or evening (5-6pm).
Orders must be in by April 19th.
Pre-Order Parking Passes
OVA and EY are excited to introduce a 3-day parking pass that can be acquired before the tournament to help expedite the process.
The easiest way to do this is to have one representative from each team order all their passes.
Passes are $10 per day with in and out privileges.
Deadline for ordering Parking Pass is April 19.
Parking Pass Instructions
Parking passes are not handled by OVA staff. They are acquired directly from EY Centre.
Day Parking
Regular day parking is still available at a daily parking rate of $10, payable at the gate. If you wish to leave and come back, you will need to go to the EY office with your parking receipt to get in and out privileges.
While there are many spots, it is still suggested that teams carpool from their hotels whenever possible to help speed up access to the lot as there is only one entrance.