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Team Rankings - Boys

Team Rankings

For the upcoming 2024-2025 OVA indoor season, teams will be split and seeded for the first event based on the 2024 end of season rankings (Ontario Championship result followed by seed going into the Ontario Championships).
* As a reminder - "Of age" teams will be realigned to account for these three policies:

  • Initial Placement Adjustment for New Clubs/Teams (Section 4.10 of the Youth Competitions Manual)
  • Initial Placement Adjustment for Teams without Ontario Championship results (Section 4.11 of the Youth Competitions Manual)
  • Placement for Underage Teams (Section 4.12 of the Youth Competitions Manual)
    • For Example: if the top 45 teams are going to start the year in Championship and the Red Bears have a result of 45th at the 2024 Ontario Championships, there is a very good chance the Red Bears will not start the year in Championship after adding in teams based on the above policies.

Please review section 5.2 in the Youth Competitions Manual for the "predicted" seasonal structure for each age group.

*Reminder* There is a difference between the word RANKING and RESULT. For example, the Bugarski Cup Rankings are posted after the Bugarski Cup and are based on the 6 step criteria listed below  while a Bugarski Cup Result is a specific result at the Bugarski Cup (i.e. 2nd place, 5th place, etc.). 

Regular Season Rankings

Rankings will be posted after each regular season event (6v6 - 18U) and are are based on these 6 steps:

  1. Overall average
  2. The number of OVA events the team has participated in their age division
  3. A team’s result in the most recent OVA event and working backwards to the first event of the season
  4. A team’s result at the previous Ontario Championships
  5. A team’s seed going into the previous Ontario Championships
  6. Coin toss

Ontario Championship Seeding

Based on a teams top 2 average from the age group they are competing in at the Ontario Championships. The 6 step process above will be used to break all ties when looking at a teams top 2 average.
* 4v4 seeding is based on the Bugarski Cup set ratio ONLY.
* 6v6 & TLS do not include the first event results (Provincial Cup) in the top 2 average. The 6 step process listed above will still be used as a tiebreaker even though it includes the Provincial Cup results.

End of Season Rankings

A final ranking will be posted for each age group after the Ontario Championships are complete. The criteria used to formulate the final rankings are:

  1. Ontario Championship result
  2. Seed going into the Ontario Championships
    * Underage teams that competed during the regular season but did not play up at the Ontario Championships are included at the bottom of the rankings page but are not in the official end of season rankings.

If there are any questions or concerns regarding rankings, please contact your respective league coordinator:

  • Claire Melanson ( - 4v4, 6v6, TLS & 15UB
  • Jacob Barker ( - 15UG, 16U & 17U
  • Mark Wiersma ( - 18U

6v6 Boys - Post Challenge Cup Rankings 2024-25

Rank Team Name Provincial Cup Points Challenge Cup Points Overall AVG Points
1 Halton Hurricanes Category 3 Phil 800 900 850
2 KINETIKA Force 800 875 837.5
3 Storm Lightning 800 860 830
4 Reach Elite 775 845 810
5 Milton Edge Razors 775 830 802.5
6 Pakmen Gold Stephen 775 830 802.5
7 Venom Mayhem N/A 800 800
8 Thunderbolts Smash - Shihua 800 795 797.5
9 Oakville Thunder Boom 775 795 785
10 Venom Carnage 760 800 780
11 Leasdie Lemurs 760 775 767.5
12 Unity Tigers 730 800 765
13 Markham Revolution RAMPAGE 760 765 762.5
14 St. Thomas Express Engineers 760 760 760
15 MAC Graphite 730 775 752.5
16 Titans Strikers 730 775 752.5
17 Titans Lions 745 760 752.5
18 KW Preds Citius 745 745 745
19 Pakmen Black Jay 730 745 737.5
20 Thundercats Reign 745 730 737.5
21 Mavericks Copperhead 745 730 737.5
22 Storm Inferno 730 730 730
23 Barrie Elites Aces 695 760 727.5
24 Durham Attack Talons 695 730 712.5
25 FCVC Sumac 695 730 712.5
26 Pakmen James 730 695 712.5
27 North Bay Jr. Lakers Hurricanes 730 695 712.5
28 Stratford Strike 730 695 712.5
29 Caspian Knights 665 745 705
30 Thundercats Bounce 695 695 695
31 Peterborough Thunder Vortex 695 695 695
32 Chatham Ballhawks Leap N/A 695 695
33 Northern Chill Frost 665 715 690
34 41SIX CRUSH 695 665 680
35 KW Preds Mercury 695 665 680
36 Phoenix Flare 695 650 672.5
37 Venom Diamondbacks 665 N/A 665
38 Durham Attack Inferno 650 665 657.5
39 FCVC Cycad 665 650 657.5
40 Ottawa Fusion Purple - Devin 650 650 650

TLS Boys - Post Challenge Cup Rankings 2024-25

Rank Team Name Pre-Season Rank Provincial Cup Points Challenge Cup Points Overall AVG Points
1 Pakmen Gold Carol 1 900 900 900
2 Venom Havoc 2 900 900 900
3 Leaside Lancers 29 875 900 887.5
4 Ottawa Fusion Purple - Adam NR 860 900 880
5 Unity Force NR 900 860 880
6 Toronto Thunderbolts Smash - Felix 4 875 875 875
7 KINETIKA Power 3 860 875 867.5
8 MAC Cobalt 7 860 875 867.5
9 Durham Attack Extreme 6 875 860 867.5
10 Venom Mayhem NR 830 875 852.5
11 Durham Attack Fierce 10 845 860 852.5
12 FCVC Rangers 8 845 845 845
13 Maverick Bandits NR 830 845 837.5
14 Thundercats Fury 25 845 830 837.5
15 St. Thomas Express TGV NR 830 830 830
16 KW Preds Altius Strong NR 830 830 830
17 Niagara Athletics Attack 14 795 860 827.5
18 41SIX Knights 16 795 845 820
19 Venom Ryujin NR 795 845 820
20 Venom Kaiju 17 800 830 815
21 Flames Sparks NR 800 830 815
22 Barrie Elites Bombers 19 795 830 812.5
23 Storm Lightning NR 830 795 812.5
24 Reach Sky NR 830 795 812.5
25 Reach Elite 15 775 830 802.5
26 Halton Hurricanes Category 3 Phil NR N/A 800 800
27 SKY Volley Michael NR 800 795 797.5
28 Unity Tigers 9 795 795 795
29 Maverick Renegades NR 765 815 790
30 Pakmen Black Kadeem NR 775 800 787.5
31 Northern Chill Blizzards 13 800 775 787.5
32 Titans Prodigy 21 760 800 780
33 Jr. Gryphons Chaos NR 760 800 780
34 T-West Harriers NR 765 795 780
35 FCVC Cedar NR 795 765 780
36 KW Preds Altius Bold NR 750 795 772.5
37 Phoenix Inferno NR 765 775 770
38 Humana Pyros NR 775 765 770
39 Chatham Ballhawks Strike NR 760 775 767.5
40 Chatham Ballhawks Jump NR 775 760 767.5
41 Toronto Thunderbolts Smash - Shihua NR 745 775 760
42 Pakmen Gold Stephen NR 760 760 760
43 Bluewater Ballistix Bolts N/A 760 760
44 Niagara Rapids Tornadoes 24 730 765 747.5
45 LVC Fire Power NR 745 745 745
46 Thundercats Reign NR N/A 745 745
47 Toronto Thunderbolts Flash - Eric NR 715 760 737.5
48 Markham Revolution Rogues 18 730 745 737.5
49 Pakmen Black Jay NR 730 745 737.5
50 ALVC Pride 27 745 730 737.5
51 Venom Carnage NR 730 730 730
52 Barrie Elites Avengers NR 745 715 730
53 Phoenix Flare NR N/A 730 730
54 Twin Bridges Thunderstruck NR 715 730 722.5
55 Leaside Lemurs NR 695 730 712.5
56 Peterborough Thunder Vortex NR 695 730 712.5
57 KW Preds Mercury NR 695 730 712.5
58 Scorpions Alpha NR 730 695 712.5
59 Kingston Rock Gabbro NR 730 695 712.5
60 KW Preds Citius NR 695 695 695
61 Oakville Thunder Boom 12 695 N/A 695
62 FCVC Sumac NR N/A 695 695
63 Barrie Elites Aces NR N/A 695 695
64 Storm Inferno NR N/A 695 695
65 Markham Revolution RAMPAGE NR N/A 695 695
66 Durham Attack Talons NR N/A 695 695
67 41SIX CRUSH NR 695 665 680
68 Niagara Rapids Vortex NR 665 665 665
69 Venom Diamondbacks NR 665 N/A 665
70 Milton Edge Razors NR N/A 665 665

15U Boys - Post McGregor Cup Rankings 2024-25

Rank Team Name Pre-Season Rank Provincial Cup Points Challenge Cup Points McGregor Cup Points Overall AVG Points
1 Venom Hydra 2 900 1000 930 943.3
2 Halton Hurricanes Category 5 Jeff 12 900 960 960 940
3 Durham Attack Chaos 1 830 975 1000 935
4 Pakmen Gold Kadeem 3 875 930 975 926.7
5 Maverick Chargers 7 875 930 945 916.7
6 Ottawa Fusion Purple - Ethan 10 860 945 930 911.7
7 FCVC Centurion 5 860 895 900 885
8 MAC Steel 6 845 895 900 880
9 KW Preds Legacy Ice 17 830 900 895 875
10 Venom Havoc NR 830 900 895 875
11 Thundercats Chaos 15 845 865 860 856.7
12 Reach Ignite NR 830 845 875 850
13 Toronto Thunderbolts Smash - Stone NR 800 875 865 846.7
14 Titans Fury 16 795 830 900 841.7
15 Pakmen Black Loi 4 795 830 875 833.3
16 Reach Kryptonite 8 795 845 860 833.3
17 Venom Mambas 20 775 875 845 831.7
18 Leaside Panthers 18 800 860 830 830
19 FCVC Spruce 21 800 860 830 830
20 Phoenix Blaze 24 800 830 830 820
21 Maverick Brigade 29 760 800 875 811.7
22 Pakmen Gold Carol NR 795 795 845 811.7
23 Chatham Ballhawks Climb 43 775 830 795 800
24 Milton Edge Shock 26 760 775 860 798.3
25 Unity Nova 9 765 800 830 798.3
26 Niagara Rapids Tidalwave 11 765 800 830 798.3
27 Northern Chill Norsemen 23 800 795 795 796.7
28 Durham Attack Extreme NR N/A 795 795 795
29 Toronto Thunderbolts Smash - Felix NR N/A 795 N/A 795
30 KW Preds Legacy Fire 37 760 760 845 788.3
31 Kingston Rock Granite 47 775 765 800 780
32 KW Preds Altius Strong NR 775 765 800 780
33 SKY Volley Sam 48 730 800 795 775
34 Maverick Cavalry NR 730 775 815 773.3
35 Markham Revolution REBELS 19 745 775 795 771.7
36 Durham Attack Fierce NR 745 760 775 760
37 North Bay Jr. Lakers Ice 41 N/A 760 N/A 760
38 Peterborough Thunder Vortex 44 745 730 800 758.3
39 FLAMES TORCH 27 730 775 765 756.7
40 Stratford King Cobras 30 695 775 795 755
41 T-WEST DRAGONS 34 695 800 765 753.3
42 Bluewater Ballistix Blue Thunder NR 730 745 775 750
43 Twin Bridges Thunder Strike 32 745 745 760 750
44 Leaside Lancers NR 775 730 745 750
45 Unity Force NR 760 745 730 745
46 West Elgin Warriors Unity NR 730 760 730 740
47 Venom Ryujin NR 745 695 775 738.3
48 Jr. Gryphons Bandits 39 730 695 775 733.3
49 Storm Thunder 22 695 745 760 733.3
50 Barrie Elites Knights 42 695 760 745 733.3
51 Caspian Cobras 31 665 730 800 731.7
52 FLAMES SPARKS NR 730 730 N/A 730
53 Reach Sky NR N/A 730 730 730
55 Barrie Elites Whiplash 38 730 695 760 728.3
56 Durham Attack Supreme 46 695 760 730 728.3
57 Scorpions Strykers 51 695 730 745 723.3
58 SYNERGY NITRO NR 730 695 745 723.3
59 FCVC Rangers NR 695 730 730 718.3
60 Hummingbird Flight NR 695 695 760 716.7
61 MAC Cobalt NR 760 695 695 716.7
62 Thundercats Fury NR N/A 715 N/A 715
63 Venom Kaiju NR 695 715 730 713.3
64 LVC Fire Blaze 25 665 730 730 708.3
65 KW Preds Altius Bold NR 695 695 695 695
66 Phoenix Inferno NR N/A 695 695 695
67 Ottawa Fusion Purple - Adam NR N/A N/A 695 695
68 Niagara Rapids Tornadoes NR N/A N/A 695 695
69 Humana Pyros NR N/A N/A 695 695
70 Maverick Bandits NR 715 N/A 665 690
71 41SIX KNIGHTS NR 665 695 695 685
72 PVC 3D Trident NR 650 695 695 680
73 Waterloo Tigers Elite NR 665 665 665 665
74 Storm Lightning NR N/A N/A 665 665
75 SKY Volley Michael NR N/A N/A 665 665
76 Jr. Gryphons Chaos NR 665 665 650 660
77 Markham Revolution ROGUES NR N/A 665 650 657.5

16U Boys - Post McGregor Cup Rankings 2024-2025

Rank Public Team Name Provincial Cup Points Challenge Cup Points McGregor Cup Points Top 2 Avg Overall Avg Points
1 Venom Black Mambas 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
2 Pakmen Gold Saad 975 975 975 975 975
3 FCVC Icarus 960 945 945 952.5 950
4 REACH Flow 945 930 930 937.5 935
5 KW Preds Purple Reign 915 960 895 937.5 923.3333333333334
6 Unity Valour 930 895 900 915 908.3333333333334
7 Scorpions Apex 900 930 865 915 898.3333333333334
8 Maverick Longhorns 880 875 930 905 895
9 Niagara Rapids Shockwave 895 865 900 897.5 886.6666666666666
10 Pakmen Black James 795 900 960 930 885
11 MAC Platinum 830 900 895 897.5 875
12 Hurricanes Category 6 Gurj 875 895 830 885 866.6666666666666
13 Milton Edge Acers 800 845 900 872.5 848.3333333333334
14 Pakmen Gold Kadeem 800 860 860 860 840
15 Ancaster Lions Impact 775 875 860 867.5 836.6666666666666
16 Maverick Bulls 765 860 875 867.5 833.3333333333334
17 Thundercats Panthro 815 795 875 845 828.3333333333334
18 Venom Cobras 860 795 830 845 828.3333333333334
19 Titans Behemoth 780 845 845 845 823.3333333333334
20 REACH Elevate 775 830 860 845 821.6666666666666
21 Durham Attack Raiders 800 795 845 822.5 813.3333333333334
22 Chatham Ballhawks Breakout 800 795 830 815 808.3333333333334
23 Maverick Toros 800 830 795 815 808.3333333333334
24 REACH Ignite 800 830 795 815 808.3333333333334
25 Hurricanes Category 5 Jeff 760 775 875 825 803.3333333333334
26 Leaside Pigeons 750 830 830 830 803.3333333333334
27 MAC Steel 0 760 845 802.5 802.5
28 REACH Ascend 775 800 795 797.5 790
29 Phoenix Wildfire 845 765 760 805 790
30 Storm Bolts 775 760 830 802.5 788.3333333333334
31 Kingston Rock Quartz 750 775 830 802.5 785
32 SKY Volley Pebs 760 800 795 797.5 785
33 Defensa Rob 760 800 795 797.5 785
34 Durham Attack Chaos 0 0 775 387.5 775
35 KW Preds Surge 775 765 775 775 771.6666666666666
36 Niagara Athletics Apex 745 760 800 780 768.3333333333334
37 Barrie Elites Galaxy 760 775 765 770 766.6666666666666
38 Northern Chill Ice Box 730 760 800 780 763.3333333333334
39 Milton Edge Fury 695 800 795 797.5 763.3333333333334
40 Ottawa Fusion Purple - Kevin 745 775 765 770 761.6666666666666
41 Venom Hydra 750 730 800 775 760
42 Pakmen Black Loi 715 800 765 782.5 760
43 KW Preds Legacy Ice 745 775 0 760 760
44 Maverick Chargers 775 0 745 760 760
45 Flames Blue 745 730 800 772.5 758.3333333333334
46 Durham Attack Warriors 760 745 760 760 755
47 Bluewater Ballistix Raid 745 730 760 752.5 745
48 Toronto Thunderbolts Smash - Eric 730 760 745 752.5 745
49 FCVC Spruce 0 730 760 745 745
50 Ottawa Fusion Red - Clark 730 695 800 765 741.6666666666666
51 St. Thomas Express Tank Engines 730 745 745 745 740
52 Markham Revolution Supreme 745 745 730 745 740
53 Leaside Panthers 0 730 745 737.5 737.5
54 Jr. Gryphons Attack 715 730 760 745 735
55 Venom Mambas 0 695 775 735 735
56 Peterborough Thunder Vortex 730 695 775 752.5 733.3333333333334
57 Titans Fury 760 745 695 752.5 733.3333333333334
58 Phoenix Blaze 730 0 0 365 730
59 Northern Chill Norsemen 0 0 730 365 730
60 Jr. Gryphons Bandits 0 0 730 365 730
61 SKY Volley Sam 0 0 730 365 730
62 Toronto Thunderbolts Flash - Peter 715 730 730 730 725
63 Ancaster Lions Power 0 665 775 720 720
64 PVC 3D Steel 695 730 730 730 718.3333333333334
65 LVC Fire Vortex 730 695 730 730 718.3333333333334
66 KW Preds Legacy Fire 730 695 0 712.5 712.5
67 Belleville Ravens Black 0 695 730 712.5 712.5
68 Maverick Brigade 695 0 730 712.5 712.5
69 Ottawa Fusion Purple - Ethan 0 730 695 712.5 712.5
70 6UP Chaos 695 745 665 720 701.6666666666666
71 REACH Kryptonite 695 650 745 720 696.6666666666666
72 London Sharks Hammerheads 695 665 730 712.5 696.6666666666666
73 Ottawa Valley Vikings Mjollnir 695 730 665 712.5 696.6666666666666
74 Storm Thunder 0 695 695 695 695
75 Thundercats Chaos 0 0 695 347.5 695
76 North Bay Jr. Lakers Ice 0 0 695 347.5 695
77 Pumas Voltage 0 0 695 347.5 695
78 Milton Edge Shock 730 650 0 690 690
79 Brant Tornadoes Apocalypse 695 665 695 695 685
80 41SIX Rumble 695 665 695 695 685
81 Niagara Rapids Titans 695 650 695 695 680
82 Flames Torch 695 665 0 680 680
83 Galaxy Black 665 665 695 680 675
84 Barrie Elites Whiplash 0 695 650 672.5 672.5
85 Waterloo Tigers Surge 695 650 665 680 670
86 EVP Rush 665 695 650 680 670
87 Northumberland Breakers Waves 665 695 650 680 670
88 Peterborough Thunder Vortex Kate 0 665 665 665 665
89 Unity Nova 0 0 665 332.5 665
90 Hummingbird Flight 0 0 665 332.5 665
91 Markham Revolution Rebels 0 0 650 325 650

17U Boys - Post-McGregor Cup Rankings 2024/2025

Rank Team Name Pre-Season Rank Provincial Cup Points Challenge Cup Points McGregor Cup Points Top 2 Avg Overall Avg Points
1 Durham Attack Blast 4 960 1000 1000 1000 986.6666666666666
2 Pakmen Gold Jessy 3 1000 945 975 987.5 973.3333333333334
3 Thundercats Bushido NR 930 975 960 967.5 955
4 Maverick Rangers 2 975 895 0 935 935
5 FCVC Hyperion 7 945 960 895 952.5 933.3333333333334
6 Maverick Marshalls 5 915 930 945 937.5 930
7 Venom Black Mambas NR 875 930 0 902.5 902.5
8 Northern Chill Glaciers 11 900 895 900 900 898.3333333333334
9 Hurricanes Category 7 Stef 8 860 900 930 915 896.6666666666666
10 KW Preds Vision 9 880 900 865 890 881.6666666666666
11 Niagara Rapids Fire 18 895 865 860 880 873.3333333333334
12 Pakmen Gold Saad NR 830 875 895 885 866.6666666666666
13 Pakmen Black Ed 13 750 900 930 915 860
14 Leaside Knights 27 775 860 900 880 845
15 Toronto Thunderbolts - Jeffy 6 795 845 875 860 838.3333333333334
16 Maverick Bulls NR 800 875 0 837.5 837.5
17 Storm Riptide 19 775 860 875 867.5 836.6666666666666
18 Hurricanes Category 6 Gurj NR 800 830 875 852.5 835
19 Kingston Rock Onyx 12 815 860 830 845 835
20 MAC Iron 17 845 830 830 837.5 835
21 FCVC Icarus NR 760 830 900 865 830
22 KW Preds Summit 24 800 845 845 845 830
23 Durham Attack Impact 10 780 830 860 845 823.3333333333334
24 Bluewater Ballistix Battalion 20 760 830 860 845 816.6666666666666
25 KW Preds Purple Reign NR 775 875 795 835 815
26 Pakmen Black James NR 765 830 845 837.5 813.3333333333334
27 Milton Edge Acers NR 800 845 795 822.5 813.3333333333334
28 Reach Flow NR 800 795 830 815 808.3333333333334
29 Niagara Rapids Shockwave NR 0 800 0 400 800
30 Rockland Riders NR 0 0 800 400 800
31 Unity Valour NR 800 795 0 797.5 797.5
32 Phoenix Kryptonite 35 760 795 830 812.5 795
33 Scorpions Apex NR 0 795 0 397.5 795
34 Barrie Elites Blizzard 16 750 800 830 815 793.3
35 MAC Platinum NR 775 795 0 785 785
36 Maverick Longhorns NR 695 800 845 822.5 780
37 41SIX Horizon 25 775 765 800 787.5 780
38 Leaside Pigeons NR 760 795 0 777.5 777.5
39 LVC Fire Detonate 26 695 800 830 815 775
40 Ancaster Lions Impact NR 0 775 0 387.5 775
41 Peterborough Thunder Vortex 14 750 775 795 785 773.3333333333334
42 SKY Volley Greg 34 745 775 795 785 771.6666666666666
43 Flames Inferno 30 775 765 775 775 771.6666666666666
44 Scorpions Surge 52 730 775 795 785 766.6666666666666
45 Reach Elevate NR 760 765 775 770 766.6666666666666
46 Ancaster Lions Steelcats 44 730 800 765 782.5 765
47 Venom Carnage 23 730 760 800 780 763.3333333333334
48 Durham Attack Raiders NR 0 760 765 762.5 762.5
49 Titans Behemoth NR 745 775 765 770 761.6666666666666
50 Ottawa Fusion Purple - Remi 37 745 760 775 767.5 760
51 Milton Edge Boltz 21 730 760 760 760 750
52 Twin Bridges Thunderbolt 33 730 715 800 765 748.3333333333334
53 Flames Blue NR 760 730 0 745 745
54 Jr. Gryphons Attack NR 730 760 745 752.5 745
55 Chatham Ballhawks Rise 31 745 745 745 745 745
56 Milton Edge Fury NR 745 745 0 745 745
57 T-West Golden Eagles 36 730 730 760 745 740
58 Venom Cobras 48 745 730 0 737.5 737.5
59 Reach Ascend NR 730 730 745 737.5 735
60 Reach Fury 43 695 730 775 752.5 733.3333333333334
61 SKY Volley Pebs NR 0 730 730 730 730
62 Ancaster Lions Power NR 0 0 730 365 730
63 Barrie Elites Galaxy NR 0 730 0 365 730
64 Pumas Voltage NR 0 0 730 365 730
65 Barrie Elites Frost 45 695 745 745 745 728.3333333333334
66 Phoenix Wildfire NR 695 760 0 727.5 727.5
67 KW Preds Surge NR 695 0 760 727.5 727.5
68 Thundercats Havoc 28 730 715 730 730 725
69 Oakville Thunder Terror 32 730 745 695 737.5 723.3333333333334
70 Markham Revolution Revs Dilraj 38 695 695 760 727.5 716.6666666666666
71 Thundercats Panthro NR 730 665 730 730 708.3333333333334
72 St. Thomas Tank Engines NR 695 695 730 712.5 706.6666666666666
73 Vaughan Legends NR 695 730 695 712.5 706.6666666666666
74 PVC 3D Avalanche 39 695 695 695 695 695
75 Defensa Rob NR 695 695 0 695 695
76 Chatham Ballhawks Breakout NR 0 695 0 347.5 695
77 Toronto Thunderbolts Smash - Eric NR 0 695 0 347.5 695
78 Maverick Toros NR 0 695 0 347.5 695
79 Niagara Athletics Apex NR 0 0 695 347.5 695
80 North Bay Jr. Lakers Surge 55 665 695 715 705 691.6666666666666
81 Jr. Gryphons Titans 22 695 665 715 705 691.6666666666666
82 Waterloo Tigers Black 54 730 650 695 712.5 691.6666666666666
83 MAC Newman NR 665 695 695 695 685
84 EVP Eagles Charge 51 665 665 695 680 675
85 Markham Revolution Supreme NR 665 695 665 680 675
86 Niagara Rapids Outlaws 53 665 665 665 665 665
87 PVC 3D Steel NR 665 0 0 332.5 665
88 Storm Bolts NR 0 650 0 325 650
89 Steel City Ignite Wildfire NR 0 650 0 325 650

18U Boys - Post McGregor Cup Rankings - 2024-2025

Rank Team Name Pre-Season Rank Provincial Cup Challenge Cup McGregor Cup Top 2 Average Overall Points
1 Pakmen Gold Omar 3 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
2 Maverick Mustangs 4 915 975 975 975 955
3 Pakmen Gold Jessy 6 975 960 930 967.5 955
4 Niagara Rapids Alliance 10 945 930 960 952.5 945
5 MAC Titanium 2 960 945 895 952.5 933.3333333333334
6 Unity Warriors 9 930 930 930 930 930
7 KW Preds Invictus 1 880 900 945 922.5 908.3333333333334
8 Durham Attack Blast 16 895 895 900 897.5 896.6666666666666
9 Storm Voltage 15 860 900 865 882.5 875
10 Toronto Thunderbolts Smash Shihua 5 900 865 860 882.5 875
11 Thundercats Bushido NR 830 875 895 885 866.6666666666666
12 REACH Rampage 18 875 895 795 885 855
13 Phoenix Skybirds 7 780 875 900 887.5 851.6666666666666
14 Ottawa Fusion Purple Matt 8 845 830 860 852.5 845
15 Maverick Stallions 27 800 845 875 860 840
16 FCVC Hyperion NR 800 845 845 845 830
17 Kingston Rock Obsidian 11 765 860 845 852.5 823.3333333333334
18 FCVC Baobab 13 795 830 830 830 818.3333333333334
19 Leaside Lobsters 21 800 860 795 830 818.3333333333334
20 Maverick Rangers NR 815 815
21 Leaside Knights 31 775 830 830 830 811.6666666666666
22 41SIX Bounce 23 730 800 875 837.5 801.6666666666666
23 Barrie Elites Blizzard NR 800 800
24 KW Preds Vision NR 800 795 800 800 798.3333333333334
25 Toronto Thunderbolts Smash Jeffy NR 795 795
26 Niagara Rapids Fire NR 745 800 830 815 791.6666666666666
27 Scorpions Legion 14 750 830 795 812.5 791.6666666666666
28 Bluewater Ballistix Platinum 26 775 795 800 797.5 790
29 Barrie Elites Phoenix 24 760 775 830 802.5 788.3333333333334
30 Peterborough Thunder Vortex Mike 37 760 800 795 797.5 785
31 MAC Iron 28 775 795 775 785 781.6666666666666
32 Pakmen Black Lam 19 750 800 765 782.5 771.6666666666666
33 Venom Carnage NR 760 775 767.5 767.5
34 Storm Riptide NR 730 800 765 765
35 LVC Fire Heat 35 760 765 760 762.5 761.6666666666666
36 Thundercats Ronin 25 745 760 775 767.5 760
37 Bluewater Ballistix Battalion NR 760 760
38 Milton Edge Blades 36 730 775 765 770 756.6666666666666
39 Chatham Ballhawks NR 730 760 775 767.5 755
40 Northern Chill Overchill 32 775 765 695 770 745
41 Maverick Marshalls NR 745 745
42 KW Preds Wolverines 22 730 745 730 737.5 735
43 41SIX Horizon NR 695 745 760 752.5 733.3333333333334
44 St. Thomas Express Railhawks NR 715 730 745 737.5 730
45 Durham Attack Power 17 750 695 745 747.5 730
46 Chatham Ballhawks Rise NR 730 730
47 Phoenix Kryptonite NR 730 730
48 Pakmen Black Ed NR 730 695 760 745 728.3333333333334
49 Flames Inferno NR 665 760 745 752.5 723.3333333333334
50 Ancaster Lions Apex 33 695 730 745 737.5 723.3333333333334
51 SKY Volley Ryan 43 695 745 730 737.5 723.3333333333334
52 LVC Fire Detonate NR 745 730 695 737.5 723.3333333333334
53 Jr. Gryphons Bouncers NR 695 695 775 735 721.6666666666666
54 Barrie Elites Avalanche NR 730 695 730 730 718.3333333333334
55 Scorpions Scorch 39 715 775 665 745 718.3333333333334
56 Markham Revolution HP 44 695 695 760 727.5 716.6666666666666
57 Durham Attack Impact NR 730 695 712.5 712.5
58 Niagara Rapids Vector 41 650 745 730 737.5 708.3333333333334
59 Markham Revolution Dilraj NR 695 715 705 705
60 T-WEST Golden Eagles NR 695 665 730 712.5 696.6666666666666
61 KW Preds Summit NR 665 730 695 712.5 696.6666666666666
62 Twin Bridges Thunderbolt NR 695 695
63 Scorpions Surge NR 695 695
64 Oakville Thunder Terror NR 695 695
65 Ottawa Fusion Purple RĂ©mi NR 695 695
66 Ancaster Lions Steelcats NR 650 730 690 690
67 Ottawa Valley Vikings Valhalla 40 665 650 730 697.5 681.6666666666666
68 REACH Fury NR 665 695 680 680
69 West Elgin Warriors Valour NR 695 665 680 680
70 Steel City Ignite Prometheus NR 665 665
71 Jr. Gryphons Titans NR 665 665
72 Niagara Rapids Outlaws NR 665 665
73 Peterborough Thunder Vortex Nathan NR 665 665
74 Thundercats Havoc NR 650 650